Around 40 girls came forward and shared their aspirations in the form of a painting. While painting, they shared with us about how they would like to see their future. Some girls shared personal stories of when they would like to get married and how many kids they would have. For most, it was the first time they had heard of the SDGs.
A few weeks after the global launch, on 13th November 10 year-old girls, their parents together with the media gathered at the newly opened Goatfish restaurant in the capital Male. Typically, the media events such as the release of the State of the World Population Report would take place at a hotel or a meeting room, in other words a formal environment. Instead UNFPA Maldives took the initiative to do the launch differently. The Goatfish restaurant is a truly youth run restaurant, different to other restaurants in Male with its rustic décor. The paintings by the girls were displayed in between the old kitchen utensils including knives hung on the walls.
Three of the 10-year-old girls poured their heartwarming dreams in a chat moderated by Mr. Sibenaler. Lauha said, “If we throw rubbish in the sea, the fish gets sick and we eat the fish and we get sick”. Raya on Goal 3 said that “Everyone needs to Be healthy, Be fit, and Be prepared”, the 3 B’s as Raya calls it.

The former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dunya Maumoon’s presence was key at the event as a mother of a 10-year-old girl and as the one who led deliberations and signed onto the SDG for Maldives. At the end, the event was very successful. With many of the invitees complementing the different approach taken by UNFPA Maldives. One participant said it was the best UN organized event he has been to in years. Another government colleague said that this is the way we should be working touching people's hearts. Furthermore this is the first time, the official report summary was translated into Dhivehi and shared with the media including the videos.

The former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dunya Maumoon’s presence was key at the event as a mother of a 10-year-old girl and as the one who led deliberations and signed onto the SDG for Maldives. At the end, the event was very successful. With many of the invitees complementing the different approach taken by UNFPA Maldives. One participant said it was the best UN organized event he has been to in years. Another government colleague said that this is the way we should be working touching people's hearts. Furthermore this is the first time, the official report summary was translated into Dhivehi and shared with the media including the videos.