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Request for Proposals

GIS National Consultant for Census Mapping

The purpose of th

26 July 2020

Photography Assignment

UNFPA is looking for Maldivian professional photographers to provide high quality photographs depicting UNFPA focus areas detai

07 July 2020

Promotion of Siththaa

UNFPA is looking for Social Marketing specialist to promote the mobile application Siththaa for a general audience.

09 March 2020

We are looking for an International Consultant to undertake qualitative assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to gain insight into Gender Inequality in the Maldives, particularly at rural island communities where women and girls are often disadvantaged. They cannot enjoy their right to universal access to Sexual and Reproductive Health information and services.

01 October 2019

We are looking for a National Consultant to undertake qualitative assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to gain insight into Gender Inequality in the Maldives, particularly at rural island communities where women and girls are often disadvantaged. They cannot enjoy their right to universal access to Sexual and Reproductive Health information and services.

01 October 2019

Consultancy for developing video for International Girl Child Day

UNFPA together with the Maldives Girl Guide Association and the Ministry of Environmentl and Energy - SDG Unit developed a work plan under the celebrations of this year's Girl Child Day (October 11th) and is currently looking

04 September 2018

National Consultant Development of Minimum Initial Service Package for humanitarian situations

We are looking for a National Consultant Development of Minimum Initial Service Package for humanitarian situations.

12 August 2018
