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For Every Age

For Every Age


For Every Age

Journey through the intricacies of population dynamics in the Maldives with our four-part series. These videos dive into key topics like the future of work, low fertility, the vital role of the care economy, and the importance of healthy relationships.

Each piece spotlights compelling human interest stories from across the Maldives, underscoring the need for a life-cycle and gender-responsive approach in addressing population ageing. Designed to enlighten policymakers and the public alike, these videos advocate for policies that consider each stage of life in our rapidly changing demographic landscape.


Health Relationships

For Every Age - Healthy Relationships

Experience the power of intergenerational relationships in nurturing healthier lifestyles and happier families. This video emphasizes the vital connections between generations and their impact on social cohesion. Join us as we celebrate the importance of relationships in shaping our society.


Care Economy

For Every Age - Care Economy

Step into the world of the care economy, a crucial support system as we transition into an ageing population. This video sheds light on the economic boost provided by an increasing retiring workforce through their savings, social protection, and improved health. Understand the role of the economy in enhancing the productivity of workers.


Low Fertility

For Every Age - Low Fertility

Join us as we investigate the causes and implications of declining fertility rates in the Maldives. This transformation, typically paralleled by improvements in overall well-being, such as health and income, reshapes family structures, enabling parents to invest more heavily in their children’s human capital. Discover the complex tapestry woven by fertility trends.


Future of Work

For Every Age - Future of Work

Explore the shifting dynamics of our labour force as the Maldives navigates a demographic transition. As fertility declines and technology advances, this video emphasizes the necessity to adapt our work culture and environment to better accommodate the evolving needs of our population. Step into the future of work with us.


#ForEveryAgeMV video series is a part of our global advocacy campaign to showcase the diverse stories and experiences of individuals at different life stages, raising awareness on the life-cycle approach and gender-dimension in addressing population ageing.