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National Contractor - Adapt Training Materials on Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH)

National Contractor - Adapt Training Materials on Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH)


National Contractor


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UNFPA Maldives is seeking the service of a qualified national contractor to review and adapt Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) training modules, tools and facilitator’s guide contextualized to the Maldives. Further details are outlined in the attached files: Terms of Reference (ToR) MDV-ToR/2024/014.

Under this ToR, the consultant will be required to work for 40 official working days between 01 October and 01 December 2024 to complete the services/tasks outlined in the ToR.

Contractors who are eligible for and interested in this assignment with UNFPA must advise your availability and submit and expression of interest, consultancy fee for the assignment and an updated CV by email to maldives.office@unfpa.org by 4:30PM MVT (UTC+5) on 06 October 2024.

**Please note additional information:

  • Assignment Timeline Clarification: The end date of 1 December will remain the same unless delays in contract signing necessitate an adjustment. If such delays occur, an extension of 7-10 days will be considered to accommodate the timeline, ensuring the tasks are completed effectively.
  • Feedback on Existing Training Materials: UNFPA has previously conducted trainings using the existing materials and will provide feedback and insights on their effectiveness as part of this review and adaptation process.
  • Consultations with Relevant Stakeholders: The consultations mentioned in the ToR refer to engaging with beneficiaries, government officials, private sector institutions and civil society organizations to gather information on the local context and specific needs. These consultations will support the update and development of training tools and materials that are culturally appropriate and responsive to local challenges.